Superlative adjectives in Persian

Superlative adjectives in Persian

1- Listen to the audio files first (preferably once). Repeat it for a couple of times. Write it down on a paper. Find their English equivalents. (Seen)







2- Find the Persian equivalent for the following words and make four sentences with each of them (one in simple past tense, one in present perfect tense using ‘for’, one in simple future tense, and one in present continuous tense).

Behind the gate

Some of


To thank

3- Say these numbers in Persian:

666 – 161 – 616 – 8395 – 90000 – 7004 – 3001

4- Follow the examples, combine the letters, and make words using the given letters. You’ll have to change the big letters into the small ones whenever needed.

Friend <= /du:st/ < ==

Book <= /keta:b/ < ==

Pen < ==

Money < ==

Gate < ==

People < ==

Guest =

All right, how was the exam? I hope it helped you review what you had learned before.

Today, we are going to continue our adjective related lessons.

We know that we have comparative adjective in Persian if we add /tær/ to an adjective. In short: more + adjective (in English) = adjective + /tær/ (in Persian)

Today, we want to see how we can say this one in Persian: most beautiful

Look at this word: /tærin/

Add /tærin/ to the end of your adjectives in Persian and you will have superlative adjective.

In short: most beautiful = /khosh gel tærin/.

Some more examples:

Most difficult = /mosh kel tærin/

Most comprehensive = /ka:mel tærin/

Easiest = /a:sa:n tærin/

Best = /beh tærin/ (this one is irregular)

Cleanest = /tæmiz tærin/

Ugliest = /zesht tærin/

And so on.