Learn Persian

Learn Persian

Learn Persian


End of word Middle of word Start of word
Detached Attached Detached Attached
Long ‘a’ like ‘arctic’
(havā - 'air')
(mā - 'us')
(dandān - 'tooth')
(tāb - a 'swing')
(āb - 'water')
Short 'a' like 'apple'
( na - 'no' - the only final ‘a’ in modern Persian)
(shab - 'night')
(asb - 'horse')
Long 'ee' like 'sheep'
(bāzi - 'play')
(shirini - 'pastry')
(sib - 'apple')
(irān - 'Iran')
Short 'e' like 'egg' or 'bed'
(khāneh - 'house')
(medād - 'حثدزهم')
(estakhr - 'swimming pool')
Long 'oo' like 'do' or 'moon'
(dāru - 'medicine')
(mu - 'hair')
(ruz - 'day')
(mush - 'mouse')
(u - 'he' or 'she')
Short 'o' like 'open' or 'photo'
(do - 'two')
(pālto - 'overcoat')
(gol - 'flower')
(otāq - 'room')

Don't let me be misunderstood

Don't let me be misunderstood
Baby, do you understand me now
Sometimes I feel a little mad
But don't you know that no one alive
Can always be an angel
When things go wrong I seem to be bad
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

Baby, sometimes I'm so carefree
With a joy that's hard to hide
And sometimes it seems that all I have do is worry
Then you're bound to see my other side
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

If I seem edgy I want you to know
That I never mean to take it out on you
Life has it's problems and I get my share
And that's one thing I never meant to do
Because I love you
Oh, Oh baby don't you know I'm human
Have thoughts like any other one
Sometimes I find myself long regretting
Some foolish thing some little simple thing I've done
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

persian number 20-100

English Transliteration Persian Listen
Twenty (20) bist (20) بیست (۲۰)
Twenty one (21) bist o yek (21) بیست و یک (۲۱)
Twenty two (22) bist o do (22) بیست و دو (۲۲)
Twenty three (23) bist o se (23) بیست و سه (۲٣)
Twenty four (24) bist o chahār (24) بیست و چهار (۲۴)
Twenty five (25) bist o panj (25) بیست و پنج (۲۵)
Twenty six (26) bist o shesh (26) بیست و شش (۲۶)
Twenty seven (27) bist o haft (27) بیست و هفت (۲۷)
Twenty eight (28) bist o hasht (28) بیست و هشت (۲٨)
Twenty nine (29) bist o noh (29) بیست و نه (۲٩)
Thirty (30) si (30) سی (۳۰)
Forty (40) chehel (40) چهل (۴۰)
Fifty (50) panjāh (50) پنجاه (۵۰)
Sixty (60) shast (60) شصت (۶۰)
Seventy (70) haftād (70) هفتاد (۷۰)
Eighty (80) hashtād (80) هشتاد (۸۰)
Ninety (90) navad (90) نود (۹۰)
One hundred (100) sad (100) صد (١۰۰)
Match the Persian number you hear with its English translation
One hundred
Twenty five

Sali be Sali

Sometimes I recall those days,
Recall of our days and nights,
I went along with you every road and every walk,

Yet, you did not remain, you left, and you did not show up year after year, my heart is in commotion,
I know you will be back again one day,
And you would tell me you do not care about the past,
If you stay here, everything will be totally good,
Tell me why we are so much far from each other,
Make me crazy and wandered by your those loving days,
Let me say my heart is filled with pride when I am with you,

How sweet is the memory of those days,
My heart wants to see you again,
I close my eyes,
To see you are beside me, beside me,
The time of seeing you is sweet,
Its every second is enchanting to me,
Cause I have nothing but you,
I cannot stand your absence

گاهی به گاهی یاد اون روزها می افتم
یاد روزها و اون شبامون
راهی به راهی پا به پای تو می رفتم
پای پیاده زیر بارون

تو که نموندی رفتی و سالی به سالی
نیومدی دلم شده حالی به حالی

lesson 1

1. Unlike western languages, Persian is written and read from right to left.

2. Persian consists of 32 letters. Some of them have small and big form like A / a in English while others have only one form. You don’t need to memorize all of them now. Just be patient enough to learn it one by one. In the end you’ll see your progress.

3. As you know, English words cannot be pronounced without these five letters: A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y as in BY. These are called vowels. In Persian, however, there are no letters considered as vowels. Instead, we put some sounds on or under the letters to make them readable. There are six main sounds in Persian recognized as vowels, three short vowels and three long vowels. Remember that these are not letters. These are sounds that come with letters and make them pronounceable. Today we will learn short vowels.

The representatives (symbols) of these sounds (vowels) are as follows:

Persian Lesson 10 – Review, Subjective Pronouns

Hello everyone, welcome back!

Let me start by wishing a wonderful Christmas followed by a very prosperous new year to all of you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Now, let’s begin.

As you know, we have successfully completed part one that was learning the letters. Today, we are going to take a very short review from what we have already studied to make sure that everything has been clear.

So far we have learned that there are 32 letters upon which the Persian language is built. We also learned that to pronounce the letters, we needed to put some vowels on or under the letters. And you remember that we have six vowels: three long and three short vowels. Then we learned that sometimes we have to put an emphasis on some letters, which is called Tashdid. And sometimes, it happens very often, we stop or pause on some letters and this is called Sokoon.

Energy Mosbat

Once again a good day,
A beautiful dream for the future,

Life with you,
Is smiling at the good and bad of the moments,

Make yourself ready,
For the good days, for the change,

Nothing but your own thought,
Has any effect on your energy,


Let it go high, higher,
Let it go, let it go high, higher,
The world's positive energy means,
A chance for a better life,


Life is being in a good mood,
Live only within this same moment,

Throw away the stress,
And say hopelessness is a sheer lie,

Failure to reach is always
Per se the motive to reach,

Behold, the good days,
Are waving at you,

دوباره یه روزِ خوب
یه رویایِ قشنگ واسه آینده

زندگی با تو داره
به خوب و بدِ لحظه ها میخنده

خودتو آماده کن
واسه روزایِ خوب واسه یِ تغییر

چیزی جز فکرِ خودت
نداره رو انرژی تو تاثیر


بره بالا بالاتر
بره بره بالا بالاتر
انرژی مثبت دنیا یعنی فرصت
واسه زندگی بهتر


زندگی حالِ خوبه

The Little Things

I could feel it coming back
I didn't know, was I built to last
I've come so far so fast
And it feels like a hundred years
Am I dreaming? Is it gonna last?

I could be better still
Than anything I've done
I know you think you could do, too
I know you think you feel it's true
It's the little things in life that I feel

Cause I can feel it
Cause I can feel it
Cause I can feel it
It's the little things in life that I feel

Cause I can feel it
Cause I can feel it
Cause I can feel it

I could be better still
Than anything I've done
I know ya think you could do, too
I know ya think you feel it's true
It's the little things in life that I feel

Cause I can feel it
Cause I can feel it
Cause I can feel it

Cause I can feel it
Cause I can feel it
Cause I can feel it
Cause I can feel it

میتونستم بازگشتشو احساس کنم
نمیدونستم، آیا برای تداوم ساخته شده بودم
تا اینجا خیلی سریع آمده ام
و مثل یکصد سال بنظر میاد

Persian Lesson 8 – Letters /la:m/ to /va:v/

Hello everyone, welcome back!

Before we start, I would like to express my deep appreciation to all of you who have been sending me really warm messages during this time. The more feedback you send, the better insight I get, and this will help me organize the theme of the lessons better. Please keep on writing to me. I deeply hope this site is supportive. As I have told you before, I would be really happy just when I saw your progress. Please be kind enough to forgive me if I am not really able to respond to all of your messages.

Has everything been quite clear so far? If not, please let me know. Hopefully, we will complete part one next week. Then, we will take a very short review of what we have already learned before we start part two which will bring us the real work.

So far, we have learned 26 letters. As always, let’s see what we learned last week. Last week we learned these four letters: , , , . Click here if you need to listen to them once more.

present perfect tense

Hello everyone, how are you?

Let’s have a look at two messages before we start today.

Message 1
Dear Hassan H.

I am following your lessons since November. I have learned a lot since then, thanks to you.

When I was learning the letters, I looked for a way to remember all those “strange” signs in an entertaining way, thus I developed a little memory-game with all the letters. I send it to you in the attachment.

You need the shockwave plug-in from macromedia to play it (You may get it here), then just open the farsi-memory.html page in your browser. I hope you like it, you are free to do with it whatever you want, for example offer it to your pupils on your site.



Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Motivating story

Persian Lesson 13 – Start Making Sentences in S.P. Tense

Hello everyone, welcome back!

I hope all of you have been following the lessons patiently and step by step. As I have told you on and on, we are going to learn Persian from the very beginning. It will take us a while to find ourselves fluent. I think the quality is more important than the quantity. Don’t get impatient if you don’t find lots of words each week. Probably, many of you will give up if I put a lot of words and ask you to do a lot of work every week
